
What's in the box?

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"Yay, a box is here! It's probably a present for me!"
"where's a stool... here we go" (jumps up to reach the box)
"It's so big! I bet it's something good... love it!"
"Should I open it?" (lays over the box)
"wait a minute, this is addressed to the neighbor"
"Oh s%#t!" (leans away)
"I am SO embarrassed!"

Composition Sequence

In class composition assignment of a chasing scene.


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I added more frames to this throwing sequence. The turn is a bit more clear and the pick up is a little better. I kind of like that the paper is also animated (because of the way I shot it) but I don't know if its distracting.


"what's in the box?"

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Here is what I have so far for the "what's in the box?" assignment. My character is happy to receive a present then figures out that it's not for her so she gets really embarrassed.



This is the design project. I had three objects to work with, a man, a truck, and a light post. I've placed them in different compositions but only using those objects.


These are some drawings I did for the "what's in the box" assignment. I played around with facial expressions but I'm still not sure how to convey a story. I want my character to be excited to receive a package, he thinks he's getting a birthday present. He then realizes that the package is for someone else, and gets sad. Finally he gets angry for waiting for a package that never gets there.

figure drawings



better timing

I played with the timing but I had a difficult time uploading like I usually do so I did it in this format.

second draft

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I've added more frames and worked on the turn. Also, instead of the ball bouncing off the head it rolls on to the feet and then the character picks it up.



catch- draft1

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This is still a super rough draft. I need to add a lot more frames like as the ball falls toward my character, I'd like to bounce off his head and drop by his feet. Also I don't have a solid turn yet. Overall this is the idea and have lots more to work on.