
"what's the point?"

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Yay! I finally have a finished short film. I tried to animate the light but it didn't come out as natural as I wanted, it kinda looks funny to me. I tried really hard to animate the character's hands and eyes, I even added a seat adjustment to the blue character and a head tilt. The yellow character has a lot of eye and hand movement, it was fun to play with him.
This was a good experience. Now I really appreciate animators who do feature films.


11 seconds Film

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Ok, so this is what I have so far. I decided on importing Ollie on to the scene and this is what I have. Ollie still needs lots of help, but its coming along. I need to make both characters more believable, flexible, and relaxed. 3D is tough.
I'm not sure about adding the couple in background, I haven't made up my mind.

Character relationship:
two buddies going to the movies for a matinee. They're avoiding work and have gone into the dark cool theatre to kill some time.


Short film setup

This is the beginning of my scene. I am still working on the animation part and so I don't have a movie clip as of yet. I want to animate the mouths with the soundcllip (which is harder than I thought). After I get the sound and action down I'll add the couple in the background.


11 seconds idea

I didn't know how to approach this since I don't plan on moving the camera but here goes.
I plan on using the "11 Seconds Club" soundclip. I'll have two main characters set at the movies eating popcorn while a couple sits in the background making out. I'll rough it in 2D but finalize the short film in 3D using some of the resource rigs from the site.
The main characters are talking about the movie they are watching.

Character Design

These are the character designs I came up with during last week's class. We had to come up with three different characters based on the people in our class.


11 seconds favorite

This is my favorite "11 Seconds Club" entry. I like the expressions of the characters, the old lady is eerie and doesn't care to be caught. I also like that this was a different scenario from all the others I watched. Most entries included some sort of cup and a table, more like an interrogation when this one sets that old lady as the main character while the detective is investigating in the background. Good stuff!